What Time Does Trick-or-Treating Start?

trick or treat usa

This October! Time for celebration and funny tricks consider as the best moments for treating with friends. Time for trick or treating is different according to the city and town. This will enable you to manage the trick or treating activities at Halloween. It’s all about a bunch of hocus pocus.

Especially toddlers and the youngsters are expecting to be appearing at your door with the sunset. In ancient times kids will start their door to door visit roundabout from 9 P.M to 10 P.M. It can also be determined by the local rules and laws. kids wear some costumes and visit door to door for getting some sweets. It has specific timing for starting the trick or treating.

Nowadays time for trick or treating starts from your Sunset. If you want to review the treating time then follow the sunset in different areas. It will vary from town to town and city to city.

You can make an estimate by viewing the weather map. Here is some expected sunset or trick or treating time in some famous places around the world.

Chicago:                      5:45 p.m

Los Angeles:               6:00 p.m

Cincinnati:                   6:38 p.m

Atlanta:                       6:46 p.m

Houston:                     6:35 p.m

Las Vegas:                  5:45 p.m

Dallas:                         6:37 p.m

Miami:                         6:39 p.m

New Orleans:              6:14 p.m

New York:                  5:53 p.m

Salt Lake City:            6:24 p.m

San Francisco:             6:11 p.m

Washington:                6:08 p.m

This is a time to wrap up your friends and neighbors. Some places restricted the different areas and make curfews that make problems for kids to visit their neighbors. No matter what time you will decide for trick or treating. Make sure about the safety of your kids at the time of wrapping your neighbors around. To ensure these safety points at the spooky night must follow some guidelines as under:

  • Do trick or treating in groups.
  • Use a flashlight while visiting street to street.
  • Paste the reflective tape on the candy bags and costume of your kids.
  • Make a boundary lines where the kids can or cannot go at spooky night.
  • Guide your kids not to enter the home without an adult.


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