The Office Cast Reunites for Zoom Wedding on Some Good News

The Office cast reunites for zoom wedding

Actor John Krasinski opened a YouTube channel during the COVID-19 pandemic to share ‘Some Good News’ from all across the globe. The motive was to share something good that’s happening in the world while the rest of it is bad due to the coronavirus crisis. On the 7th episode of Some Good News, The Office cast reunites for Zoom Wedding. Check out the video here:

Some Good News Episode 7

John Krasinski hosts this episode as well under the banner of SGN which stands for Some Good News. As we head into week seven of the quarantine, it was evident that people are not giving up. Instances of happiness and love were to be found everywhere. Some people were going on a virtual run together. In Kansas City, a family raised a young girl from a makeshift crane to simulate flying. In another clip, three sisters came together and danced their hearts out.

There was also a guest appearance by Emma Stone. John asked her for a weather report. Rather than giving an actual report, she just moved the curtain, looked out and said that it looks pretty good.

Handwritten letters

An 11-year-old called Emerson from South Dakota was writing handwritten letters to the ones she loves. These letters had a good message and some of her own drawings. She decided, that her mailman Doug was also deserving of the same love and wrote one to him as well. Doug was really touched by this gesture. He showed the letter to all of his buddies at the United States Postal Service. So, all of them decided to write back to her with their own heartfelt letters.

Tik Tok Olympics

With everyone in quarantine, it is impossible for people to come out and play. Hence, people came up with their own indoor sports and started competing under the banner of the Tik Tok Olympics. Can Curling was the first sport that people were competing in. Bowling got its own twist at home and became toilet paper bowling. Backslide race was a new invention that came up due to a lack of space inside homes for running. Quarantine Putt-Putt classic was the new rendition of golf at home.


The Quarantine Olympics have officially begun! #familybonding #quarantineolympics #strawchallenge

♬ original sound – AlexPresley

Love in Quarantine

Love is something that we need more of in these trying times. An entire section of this episode focused on appreciating gestures of love. Little kids and dogs were seen enjoying themselves with their families. Two cute brothers were bonding with each other where one of them apologized for throwing a truck at the other. Grandparents wore protective plastics and hugged their young and elated grandchildren. Old couples slow danced on the streets while maintaining social distancing and holding the hands of their partners. Parents hugged their young kids and spent some quality time with them.

There was also a really cute clip showing newborn babies taking their first look at the world. Friends and family of the new-borns could be seen cueing up behind glass barriers to see them. And then The Office Cast reunites to send out some love into this world in this episode.

Weddings during the Coronavirus

Weddings were another expression of love that the coronavirus could not stop. The event with guests joining in from video calls or watching from their balconies was the norm. An old couple was seen renewing their vows in one touching clip. Some people could also be seen performing a Drive-by for the newlyweds.

In fact, a couple in Maryland had a strangely familiar proposal. The proposal looked exactly like a scene from the popular TV series called The Office. John was the man who was proposing to Susan. He knew that he had to do something special. The Office was something that had connected them both. So, he proposed to Susan as per a proposal scene in the show in order to win her heart. They had asked John Krasinski if he would be able to attend their wedding. Krasinski had a surprise in store for them. He said that he would be able to attend if they get married right now. He showed them a certificate establishing that he was now an ordained minister.

To add to the surprise, he even brought the parents of the couple into the video call. Krasinski had even arranged for the bridesmaid and the groomsman. Their best friends joined the video call to take up these roles. John Krasinski himself became the best man and Jenna Fischer became the maid of honor. Singer Zac Brown joined in to sing ‘The man who loves you the most’ for the couple. John Krasinski then read out the vows and pronounced them husband and wife. And The Office cast reunited for this moment and it was epic!

The Office cast reunites

The Office cast reunites and joins the video call as they dance to Chris Brown’s ‘Forever’. They all do funny steps and give a short performance. People throw their friends a party, John Krasinski threw this couple a wedding. In a matter of minutes, the couple had an online wedding in presence of all their loved ones. This was the first and only wedding at SGN. It sent out a heartfelt message that even in the face of adversity, we can overcome anything together.

Final Thoughts

This was a fun and heart touching episode at Some Good News. John Krasinski did everything possible to allow two people to celebrate their marriage online. The episode gave a much-needed break from all the negative news we hear from the media outlets. It spread a message that despite hard times, good things were happening all around us. John Krasinski ended the episode by saying that no matter how hard things get, love is always around. We need to fight this crisis together and we need to come together as a community. We need to understand each other and spread some love around.


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