Joe Biden vs Trump – Who Is Leading US Elections 2020?

joe biden vs trump

The United States of America’s presidential run is nothing short of an adventurous swim in the sea. The polls are indicating ex-vice president Joe Biden of Democratic Party may have the upper hand on Donald Trump in the coming presidential election. Check out ftpeopleusa, where you can find the latest updates on politics and policy also educate, engage and empower yourself so that you can get involved in your community.

You must note that the online polls don’t show the true result as people had seen in 2016 and 2000. So, ultimately electoral college will matter. However, as per reports, Donald Trump’s second term is in a dark phase as 270 electoral votes will be hard to reach for him. The signs of him winning are very blurry at the moment at least.

Joe Biden vs Trump results as per polls

Amy Walter of Cook Political Report and Nate Silver of 538; two important political prognosticators informed in a report that the updated numbers are not painting the electoral map with bright colors for the current President.

Walter also reported that around 248 electoral votes incline to Joe Biden while Trump’s probable number shows 204 electoral votes making him an underdog for the presidential run.

He added that in order to see victory Trump campaign must focus on 75% of toss-up districts. Democratic candidate Joe Biden will have to win 26% of those districts. This number is putting Donald Trump in a very dicey situation. Clearly former Vice President’s polls are paving his win.

Nate Silver indicated that the states which are yet to be calculated for polls will be going in the same direction as they went for the election 2016. Donald Trump’s numbers are making him lead in just 170 votes. While Joe Biden’s total electoral counts are making him lead in 368 states.

It is also a fact that both political prognosticators are not saying yet that the election is finished and anything can happen. Silver says that Biden has higher chances of winning if he manages to win the required toss-up states but Trump also could win as well if he could swipe up all these states till November.

The polls are showing that the Democratic Party has the chance to win in republican’s stronghold states Texas, Arizona, and North Carolina. Donald Trump had won in 2016 from Pennsylvania, Michigan which was Democratic inclined states traditionally. Now in the 2020 election, those states can go back to Biden’s party.

Possible outcome

According to Walter, Joe Biden is on his path to be the 46th President of the United States Of America as all the presumptive numbers show with 270 electoral votes.

Donald Trump is not really out of the run yet even the numbers are not favoring him. If he manages to retain any two of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan provided that he maintains his previously win states also then he can paint his map with severe bright colors of winning.

There are very few ways for the current president to have the second term compared to the democratic nominee Joe Biden. Donald Trump runs out of ways to win his second term as more time passes.


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