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If this is really the case, then the composition of each of us can be traced back to the origin of life according to the process of evolution. Of course, Darwin and Wallace were only concerned with behavioral changes. In their view, animal bones are what they are today, and their fossils can only explain the past, thus outlining the key points of human evolution. But behavior, bones, and fossils are a complex living system made up of simpler and older units. What are the simplest and oldest units? It's probably some chemical molecule that's unique to life. Therefore, when we trace the common origin of life today, we have a deep understanding of the common chemical composition of human beings. The blood flowing in my fingers at this moment was developed three billion years ago through millions of steps from the most basic molecules capable of producing blood. This is evolution in the modern sense. This process of evolution depended partly on genetic mechanisms (which neither Darwin nor Wallace really understood) and partly on chemical structure (which at that time was the domain of French scientists, not English naturalists). People from different disciplines have made various explanations for this, but one thing is common, that is,Wheel tape measure, they distinguish different species and describe them according to the successive stages of development, which has been tacitly accepted by people when they accept the theory of evolution. Since then, it has been impossible to believe that life can be recreated at any time. Commentators often cite the Bible when evolutionary theory suggests that some animal species came into being later than others. Most people believed that with the coming of the Bible, the creation of the world did not stop. They believe that the sun breeds crocodiles in the mud of the Nile. Rats breed in piles of rags, while blowflies apparently breed in smelly meat. The maggots must have come from inside the apple-otherwise how could they get there? All living things are thought to have arisen spontaneously,Surveyors tape measure, unbeholden to their parents. Legends about the spontaneous generation of living things are very old, and some people still believe them today, although Louis? Pasteur (Louts Pasteur) was refuted as early as the 1860s. Pasteur did a lot of this work in his early years in his hometown, arbois in Jura, France, where he went back once a year. Before that, he had studied the process of fermentation, especially the fermentation of milk (the word "pastrarisation" reminds people of this). By 1836 (when he had just turned 40), his career was at its peak when the Emperor of France asked him to see what was wrong with the wine, tape measure clip ,Diameter tape measure, which he solved within two years. In an ironic twist, they were in between the best winemaking years ever; to this day, people still remember that 1864 was an unparalleled year. "Wine is a sea of organic matter," Pasteur said. "Some of it makes wine, and some of it makes wine." There are two striking points in this thought. First, Pasteur discovered organic matter that could survive without oxygen. It was a nuisance to the people who grew wine at that time, but it was also from then on that it became the key to understanding the origin of life, because there was no oxygen on the earth in the first place. Secondly, Pasteur used a remarkable new method to see the traces of life activities in the liquid of wine. When he was in his 20s, he became famous for showing the existence of special tiny particles in liquids. At this time, he pointed out that this is the clue of the life process. Now, this has become a remarkable discovery. However, it is somewhat puzzling to say that we should look at Pasteur's own words and his experiments. How to explain the making of the old wine in the barrel, the fermentation of the dough and the deterioration of the milk? There are also changes in the humus of leaves and plants buried in the soil? In fact. I must confess that my research has long been dominated by the idea that, from the point of view of the left and the right (if all else is equal), this structural form of matter plays an important role in the internal laws of life formation, and penetrates into the darkest corners of biological physiology. Right handed, left handed; this is the line of thought that Pasteur always followed in his study of life. The right-handed form of everything in the world is different from its left-handed form: a right-handed corkscrew is different from a left-handed corkscrew, and a right-handed screw is different from a left-handed screw. In the first place, the left and right hands of a person are different; they can correspond to each other, but they cannot replace each other. In Pasteur's time, it was known that the same was true of certain crystals, and that there were "right-handed" and "left-handed" arrangements of these crystals in the plane. Pasteur made wooden models of this crystal (he was ambidextrous and a great draughtsman), and not only that, he actually made models of wisdom. At the beginning of his research work, it occurred to him that the arrangement of molecules must also be "right-handed" and "left-handed": the crystal must actually reflect some property of the arrangement of molecules. And in any case of asymmetry, the way the molecules move will indicate that property. For example, when you dissolve these crystals and shine a polarized beam of light through the solution, certain molecules (what Pasteur used to call "right-handed molecules") must rotate the plane of deflection of the light to the left. All crystal solutions of the same shape will move asymmetrically under the asymmetric light of the polarimeter. Rotating the polarizing disk, the solution appears to flicker on and off, changing repeatedly. It is worth noting that in fact,cattle weight tape, the chemical solution of biological cells is the same. We still don't understand why life has such a strange chemistry. But it also proves conclusively that life forms also have some specific chemical properties throughout their evolution. For the first time, Pasteur linked all forms of life with a single chemical structure. According to this great idea, it follows that the evolution of living things should and may be linked to chemistry. tapemeasure.net

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